
the grey’s project

One recapper’s journey through 17(+) years of Grey’s Anatomy.

how it started

Start the journey

how it’s going

how this works

Twice-weekly (Tuesdays and Fridays), I will be sitting down to watch an episode of Grey’s Anatomy, starting out at the very beginning and working up to the present day and, likely, beyond. While I’ve seen every episode once (and some multiple times), my memory of the early days in particular is hazy. So whether you’re re-watching with me, watching it for the first time, or just want to read my ramblings about what on earth is going on, this should be a fun journey of rediscovery.

Grey’s Anatomy has had just about everything. We’re talking a heart in an elevator, a love letter in an elevator, legs snapped BY an elevator… okay, they *really* like elevators. But I’m going to be here to go through all of it with you, (mostly) spoiler-free, as we follow the lives of our favourite and most hated people at Seattle Grace whatever the hospital is called this particular week..

So, without further ado… ten blade, please, BokHee.

about the author

The author of these recaps is Torran Turner, a UK-based trans guy with far too much time on his hands, and apparently nothing better to do with it than force himself to sit through almost two decades of Shonda Rhimes repeatedly stomping his heart into pulp.

When not yelling at the television, bashing at a keyboard to write this blog, or bashing at a keyboard for work purposes, you can find him yelling into the void on Twitter. You can also come say hello to us at the dedicated The Grey’s Project Twitter account!